December 2010 & January 2011 Remembering My Parents

Progress on the airplane came to a screeching halt as both of my parents, Jack and Coby passed away over the holidays, my Dad on Dec. 17, 2010 and then my Mom on Jan. 16, 2011. They had both been recovering from stomach cancer surgery, my Dad died due to complications from the surgery and my Mom seemed to be recovering well but eventually it was too much to be without my Dad. I've never suffered such extreme sadness before; it puts a whole different perspective on life and your goals. Certainly building the airplane doesn't have the same meaning that it had before, both of my parents took such an interest in the building process and would always want to see the latest progress. I always hoped that I would someday give them a flight in the Cozy, sadly that won't happen. I know that they would want me to continue building and finish the airplane, so that's what I'll do; I'll miss their constant encouragement and praise of my progress. My brother, sister and I were truly blessed to have had such wonderful parents. Some pictures to remember my parents by.

Youthful Days In Holland 1956Youthful Days In Holland 1956Youthful Days In Holland 1956

























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